2215 S 2nd St, Waco, TX 76706
Give Us A Call
(254) 300-1399
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What is the lease term?

Standard 12 month lease

How far is the property from Baylor University?

We are conveniently located within walking distance to the University.

What’s Room mate matching policy?

We match room mates based on your preference and availability. Please check with the property manager for specifics.

What’s the Early termination clause?

Please check with the property manager for specifics.

Are we allowed to have pets?

Yes, per the pet policy.

What kind of pets are allowed?

Please check with the property manager for specifics.

Are the townhomes furnished?

Yes, all the basic furniture (bed, living room, etc.) come with the unit.

Can I get my own furniture?

Please check with the property manager for specifics.

Can I rearrange furniture that is provided?

Please check with the property manager for specifics.

Are there private study rooms?


Do I get a free Parking spot?


Is it assigned parking?


Where do my visitors park?

There are open parking spots for visitors

Is there a secure access to the property?

Yes (gated)

Can I park a bicycle on the property?


How are roommate conflicts resolved?

Please check with the property manager for specifics.

Are utilities included in the rent?

Water charges are included till a limit and charged based on usage beyond the limit; Electricity is charged based on on usage.

Is Internet included with the rent?

High speed internet/Wifi is included.

Is Cable TV included with the rent?


How do I make the rent payments?

Online through portal or online transfer to bank account.

Who do I call for service request?

For urgent requests, please call 254-300-1399

Are Washer/Dryers provided?

Yes, each unit comes with a washer/dryer.

How many bathrooms are in a unit?

Each bedroom comes with a private bathroom and a closet.

Are the kitchen, dining and living room shared?


Does the unit come with a refrigerator?


Does each bedroom come with a private lock/key?


Does the unit come with a TV?
